One Meeting Place For All Reverse Engineering Additive Manufacturing Professional

Featuring an extensive line-up of panel discussions, workshops and much more led by local and international experts, ReAM Show provides a valuable opportunity to learn and showcase the latest tools and technologies in the fields of Reverse Engineering and Additive Manufacturing.

Discover the future at Middle East’s largest and most innovative Additive Manufacturing expo. The ReAM Show 2025 will give you the keys to setting up a more robust and agile infrastructure. Reverse Engineering and Additive Manufacturing improves the efficiency. Shorter lead times, Less Storage and Reduced Inventory with On-Demand Manufacturing, are just some of the many advantages.

This conference provides a unique networking and collaboration opportunity to promote your merchandise and gain your brand recognition and credibleness. It delivers cutting-edge analysis on research in association with the intimate setting where attendees and exhibitors receive customized client service. Sponsors and exhibitors will benefit from great foot-traffic and generous recognition. We can’t wait to welcome the entire manufacturing community to the most unrivaled AM technology, education and social experience!

Make use of this opportunity to discuss with market players, meet inspiring experts and consolidate your network. Learn from case studies, round tables and discussions driving the future of energy.

A plan for successfully implementing 3D printing

Analyze your Spare Parts portfolio
Perform a 3D Printing feasibility study
Challenge existing Designs
Develop the business case
3D 3D Printing Strategy
Pilot and roll out your 3D Printing Strategy

Who Will You Meet?

Join the ReAM SHOW 2025 Conference

Featuring an extensive line-up of panel discussions, workshops and much more led by local and international experts, ReAM Show provides a valuable opportunity to learn and showcase the latest tools and technologies in the fields of Reverse Engineering and Additive Manufacturing.